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Jimmy Price

2003 Askins Achievement Award Recipient

"His work in bringing the traditions of the production and use of lime putty mortar has been a contribution of extraordinary value to the conservation of our common cultural heritage."

James Price is the founder of Price Masonry Contractors, Inc. and Virginia Lime Works. Jimmy has worked the masonry trade for 30 years in all aspects of the business. His interest in traditional building and historical restoration led him to become involved with the restoration of Popular Forest. His passion for the masonry trade and its traditions and the work at Popular Forest was a catalyst to experiment with the traditional methods making lime putty from oyster shell and quicklime in a traditional wood fired kiln. His work in bringing the traditions of the production and use of lime putty mortar has been a contribution of extraordinary value to the conservation of our common cultural heritage. His personal goal has been to make a significant impact on the next generation of the preservation trades through education of craftsmen, consultants, architects, engineers and other professionals involved in the conservation of historic masonry. His company conducts building with lime workshops 6 times a year. Jimmy sponsored and created the first annual American Lime conference. He has taught workshops for the National Park Service, Eastfield Village, Cooperstown, Association of Preservation Technology, and the University of North Carolina. He worked in Falmouth Jamaica to teach local craftsmen how to produce lime putty from local sources and how to use it. He is sponsoring several international tours to educate and create a better understanding of the traditions of the masonry trade by gaining insight to the European experiencing. VA lime works sponsored 10 students at the American Lime Forum and one of the 10 was sponsored to the international tour. His goal is to bring create a bond between the European and American masonry building traditions. Jimmy has been honored by: National Trust for Historic Preservation for work at Popular forest Blue Ridge Chapter of American Institute of Architects, Craftsman of the Year State of Virginia American Institute of Architects, Virginia State Society Honors Awards Maryland Historical Trust, Maryland Historical Trust Award Jimmy Price truly fits the description of Master Mason. He has full command of his trade through the continuation of the trade by education of others, the development of his trade by expanding the base of knowledge, continuing the traditions of the trade, and linking North American experience with its roots in Europe.

Nomination statement by John Friedrichs, New Dimension Building

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