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Rudy R. Christian

2000 Askins Achievement Award Recipient

"Many people become less accessible as they accumulate advanced knowledge, experience and skill and as their services become more in demand. Rudy has maintained an openness and a commitment to community building that is exemplary within the PTN community."

From the beginning of his involvement with timber framing, Rudy has been willing and eager to share his experience and knowledge with others through discussions, networking, classes, written articles and on-the-job training. In 1997, Rudy attended the first IPTW as a demonstrator/presenter. He was instrumental in coordinating other timber framers that participated in the first IPTW. Each year since then, he has been the main contact and coordinator of timber framers involved in the PTN event. Rudy was a member of the first Executive Committee of PTN and is currently Chairperson of the PTN Special Projects Committee. Rudy is working with the PTN Planning and Research Committee in an effort to develop cooperative venture between the Timber Framers Guild and PTN. One such effort is the Hay Barracks training course and demonstration that was included with IPTW-2000. Rudy Christian is an appropriate example of many things that PTN represents. PTN is concerned for the involvement of the three generations of a trade. Rudy showed respect for his teachers and worked hard to complete the tasks assigned by them. As he developed in his trade, he networked and shared information and techniques with others. Always looking to glean more of the knowledge that is embedded in existing structures, he respects and learns from others, both living and dead. Through his dedication, hard work and openness, he has become a master of his trade. Many people become less accessible as they accumulate advanced knowledge, experience and skill and as their services become more in demand. Rudy has maintained an openness and a commitment to community building that is exemplary within the PTN community.

Preservation Trades Network
PO Box 442205
Detroit, MI 48244

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