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IPTW 2006 - New Castle Workshop  

On August 12-13, 2006 the Preservation Trades Network and New Castle Historical Society held the 1st Regional Preservation Trades Workshop modeled on the International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW) format. The New Castle Workshop featured masters of the traditional building trades, presenting "hands on" demonstrations of preservation and restoration techniques in the heart of New Castle's National Historic Landmark District including demonstrations on:

  • Restoring wood windows and doors
  • Historic paints and finishes
  • Plaster repair
  • Timber framing
  • Masonry repair and restoration
  • Stained glass repair and conservation

The New Castle Workshop drew a diverse audience of tradespeople, architects, preservation organization staff members, historic property stewards, state and local goverment employees, homeowners, and the curious to the town Green in the heart of New Castle's National Historic Landmark District. This event provided learning opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds.


Since its founding in 1934, the New Castle Historical Society has worked to promote historical awareness, and encourage the preservation of historical architecture, documents and material culture in New Castle. Three historic houses owned by the Society: the Amstel House, Dutch House and Old Library Museum are open to the public for group and individual tours. The Historical Society is also involved in educating the public about the history of New Castle and in disseminating information through exhibits, programs, lectures, publications and resource materials. Other local partners included:

  • City of New Castle
  • Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs
  • Historical Society of Delaware
  • Historic Area Commission of New Castle
  • New Castle Visitors BureauVelocipede Museum

Thanks to all the presenters, partners and sponsors who helped make this such a successful event. Special thanks to Duffy Hoffman, Rhonda Deeg, Bruce Dalleo, Cara Blume, Debbie Martin and all of the NCHS volunteers. Thanks also to Mon-Ray, Inc. for their support of the New Castle Preservation Trades Workshop.

Project Data

Date: Aug 12-13 2006

City: New Castle, Delaware

Preservation Trades Network
PO Box 442205
Detroit, MI 48244

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