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Leslie Price

Leslie Price
Board Member 


Leslie Price is an independent Historic Preservation Specialist in Muncie, Indiana. Her former employers include the Architecture & Community Heritage of Fort Wayne and the Indiana Department of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Renewable Energy Association and is a certified Green Building Professional in the United States. She has presented informative and hands-on workshops at multiple events for the Preservation Trades Network and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association.

Leslie’s specialty is energy conservation in historic buildings. She enjoys restoring stained glass, but her passion is educating others about the inherent passive solar characteristics of these buildings. She firmly believes that preserving cultural heritage through education and architectural conservation is the best way to uplift struggling communities. Her other hands-on skills include finish carpentry, mold-making, anaglypta, hand-made tiles, and historic stencils.

Preservation Trades Network
PO Box 442205
Detroit, MI 48244

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